Saturday, March 1, 2014

some thoughts

There has been a few things passing though the space between my ears quiet frequently as of late: school stresses, summer plans, boys, Harry Potter, how I can manage my unseemingly unmanageable hair. Usually these thoughts pass through as I am trying to get to sleep at night all the whilst freaking out about how I have to get up at 3:30 in the morning and if my brain does not turn off then I will be even more miserable tomorrow. Sometimes they pass through when the sun is out too. One that has been more frequent is my summer plans. You are probably thinking that I am thinking about all the cool/fun things I want to do this summer. You would be correct in that assumption, but you would be missing something very important, something that is actually stressing me out. My summer reading list. There are so many books I want to read! I consider myself lucky if I can squeeze in one fun book in a semester. Thus, my summer list is becoming ever longer. I wonder if I will be able to read even half the books that I want to. I am going to have to start prioritizing them. There are so many. Dang you Goodreads and your recommendations.

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