Saturday, November 27, 2010

and a way out is found

...but should i really be this excited about it?

Friday, November 26, 2010


what have i gotten myself into


i would totally not be creeped out if michale buble sunk into my room every night to sing me to sleep....actually i would encourage it. so mr buble if youre out there reading this (which i highly doubt but nonetheless still hope) you are more than welcome to come lull me to sleep every night with your alluring voice. but i warn you michale, dont try to get fresh with me becasue i will give you a beat down. Though if you wanted to ask me on a date i just might accept.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


so tie dye tuesdays are going great. i have yet to forget to wear a tie dyed shirt on tuesday. it has yet to catch on with others but im going strong i think people will get a clue soon enough...I once had a dream that it was tuesday and i was trying to put on a tie dyed shirt but every time i pulled the shirt down past my head it would turn into just a plain white shirt, it was a nightmare! speaking of weird dreams i have reoccurring dreams of something happening to my teeth, like they fall out or move around a lot or they are really ugly looking. ITS TERRIFYING!!! i did not have braces for three years to have my teeth look like crap and then proceed to fall out. oh heck to the no! brush brush floss floss. well thats all i have for now, until i feel like writing again...ciao.