Can I just say how unbelievably awesome life is. Sure there are bumps along the way, some really really big bumps, mountainesque bumps in fact, but why let those bumps detour you from appreciating how truly astounding life is. There are so many things to be grateful for, don’t waste time focusing on the things that bough you down. It’s a waste of time, waste of energy, and a waste of a thought. Have fun, be grateful, love people.
Can I just say how freakin marvelous missionaries they are. I love them! They rock! They are my favorite! and my best! I have numerous friends out in the world telling others of the greatness that is the gospel of Christ. Whenever I receive a parasol of mail form them I get so excited, it brings a mammoth smile to my face and colossal improvement to my day. You fellas rock! Thanks House, Christoph, Bryant, Hal, Ethan, Trevor, Robby, Jeff, Andy, Steve, Adam, John, Ryan, Amber, and the many others for being worthy to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church is true!
Can I just say how grateful I am for being blessed to be able to attend, in my opinion, the greatest university ever BYU!
Can I just say that life is so much better when you look at things from the bright side.
Can I just say how much I love my brothers. They are awfully groovy. My brother David, age 18, is the funniest thing since something really funny…he has this loud contagious laugh. Haha, if I was in my room and he was laughing about something stupid on television I would yell David shut up, its not that funny, then go into the other room to tell him to shut up so more, “David you are so annoying” I would wind up laughing myself into a fit. Oh which reminds me of this one time when we were watching a movie together and I asked for one of his Pringles he said okay just one. I ate the one Pringle and then shortly after got up to go get some more form the kitchen. When I came back in he saw the Pringles in my hand and started to laugh sincerely loud. I asked what was so funny and he said, “Bet you cant eat just one”. That was written on the side if the Pringle tube. Haha. I love that kid. Oh geeze, Daniel. What a hoot. He is so adorable. He calls my ashwee and always says “Oh man!” I remember when he was born. The first time I saw him I cried, I was so happy. Last time I was home I told him that the moon was made out of cheese, and in order to get to the moon you had to have an invisible rope, he’s still looking for that rope.
Can I just say how stinkin blessed I am.
Can I just how awesome people watching is, especially here at the Y. There is nothing better than observing someone doing something weird.
Can I just say how splendid guys are, I love them. My roomies can attest to that. Hahaha and Elder Ehlen who gets to hear all my ridiculous stories. He soaks it upJ
Can I just say that I love music. Currently I obsessively listen to Ian Axel, A Rocket to the Moon, Owl City, Angels and Airwaves, and Ludovico Einaudi.
Can I just say how freaking sweet friends are. I love to hang with them, laugh with them, talk with them, do whatever with them. “Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long, 'til I'm going to need somebody to lean on."
Can I just say how happy I am right now.
Dear Life,
I love you.
Thanks for being cool.
Love Ashley
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