Over the much needed three day weekend we, the 215 ballers (minus britt, plus lizer and brita) set out on the trip of all trips. we needed dolewhip and we needed it bad. so we headed down to St. George to get some. we had just a rootin tootin good 'ole time

night hike...more of a walk which led to sliding on a frozen river. that foot and a half bump provided endless entertainment .

grafton ghost town. we got directions from a cop after he pulled us over for speeding. he had lettuce stuck between his teeth.

Traveled for FIVE hours
FOR dolewhip
FINALLY we partook. *if you dont know what dolewhip is get your bum over to that froyo shop by the expensively priced movie theater in orem, you will find it there. eat it and experience the magic*
lex shared with us her best talent. listen carefully.
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