I have recently purchased something I have been in desperate need of…running shoes. I’ve had my Sony's for almost three years, ya I know way too long to have a pair of running shoes, but I'm cheap and I wasn’t really running that much even though I used them for a two track seasons and a season of cross country in high school. Haha. I bought a pair of Asics they are absolutely fabulous. It feels as if I’m running on a cloud. My very first pair running shoes was a pair of Asics. I loved them, I would have bought the same pair but sadly they were nowhere to be found. This pair is really good though, my feet felt total comfort as I went for a run with Britt today. I’m finally getting back into running after a long absence. I have been unfaithful since I have come to college, only occasionally would I venture out into the filthy air of Utah to scuttle along (personally I prefer running in California or Florida, Utah is to elevated and has gross air I can feel the impurities seeping into my lungs…maybe I just being dramatic, but probably not). Nevertheless I have once again begun to discover my love for running. It’s coming slowly. I’m not too fond of the during part, but after I feel great. I cannot wait to compete, that was my favorite part. The whole passing people (especially a certain girl) was cool and medaling was awesome, I really liked to see the seconds and minuets shaved off with each race.
So here are my running goals…
1. Be able to run an eight minuet mile again, maybe faster
2. Run a half marathon this summer
3. Run a marathon before I turn 21
4. This one is a little weird but…run so hard and so fast that I throw-up or pass out
haha. havent ran all summer.