Monday, March 31, 2014


(Disclaimer: This is not about marijuana)

This weekend I finished my homework early! So to celebrate I thought I would treat myself and go buy a new dress. I went to Target because I really like that store and I can usually find something that I like. This time however, that was not the case. So instead of buying a dress I bought a new pot. It's so shiny and new looking. In retrospect, I am happier with the pot than a dress because, well, I don't really need a dress and our apartment was in dire need of a pot. The only reasonable sized one we had had black sometime permanently burned onto it. The last time I made mac and cheese it was sprinkled with little black dots. I haven't died from eating them so I don't think that it is a bog deal; it's just gross.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

i remembered that other thing

I remembered the other thing that annoys me SO much and I'm sorry, but this will probably offend some of you. (okay. I'm not really that sorry).

Those DUMB headphone speaker hands free phone buds. You know what I'm talking about.
I got back from my mission and I thought the amount of crazy people exponentially increased in Provo.
These people walk around, arms waving in the air, talking to themselves. They look absolutely ridiculous.
Excuse me, you're not in a car so enough with the hands free! Hold the phone up to your ear  like a normal person. You will not look like an escapee form the mental hospital. Trust me.
Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

somethings that annoy me

While there are many things can give me annoyance these are two things that, as of late, have been really getting on my nerves:

1. The bathroom on the third floor of the library, right outside the media/LRC place. There is basically a living room in the bathroom with the intended purpose of being a mothers lounge. I have seen it used only once for that purpose. I feel confident on saying that because I am always in the LRC and therefore always use that bathroom when nature calls. I instead have seen in used for napping, studying, and even eating. EW!!! I mean do those girls really want to be in there hearing all these other girls go about their business!? And the eating thing, that just kills--not literally but it might literally kill the person who is eating that food so exposed to bathroom...exposure.

2. Okay, I had a real good one, but now that I'm all heated up about the bathroom one I cant think straight. Until next rant.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Small Green Building

This is a picture of the Church in Tobago. For those of you who don't know, Tobago is Trinidad's sister island located not to far from the Venezuela coast. This green building used to be a grocery store: The Green Grocery, they called it. I love this building. I have many fond memories that surround it: looking out the window and seeing investigators walk through the parking lot (or car park as the Tobagonians say) towards the building, hearing Lasana give his first talk, running up the hill to make it in time for the sacrament--investigator in tow, teaching reading classes, and many many more. The building is small many with not many rooms, but it is full of love and faith. I don't think the members of the Tobago branch realized how much the touched my heart and helped my desire to be a disciple of Christ grow. I love them terribly and miss them everyday.

Friday, March 7, 2014

my "wa bottle"

This is my water bottle, more commonly referred to as my "wa bottle". You can thank my friend KJ for that lovely phrase.

I LOVE this water bottle. I have had it for...oh goodness, when did I even get it...oh yes, three years! I have had this water bottle for a little more than three years. I take it everywhere with me. I even took it on my study abroad to Italy (the proof can been seen in that blue and white sticker--Forza Onda!). Everyone there loved it, I guess because they don't have water bottles as wonderful and as attractive as mine. They were justified in their jealousy. I did not however take this water bottle on my mission with me. I love it too much and I was afraid to lose it. I brought a different one, still a Camelbak. It was not the same. Whenever I looked at that water bottle it only made me think of the one I loved, and missed. Now, my "wa bottle" can be found in the right pouch of my backpack or in my mouth. Like this:

(This is my first selfie. I was very embarrassed to take it. I was in the library.)

Unfortunately, after these many wonderful years, my water bottle is falling apart. The mouth piece has wiggled loose--probably from me allowing it to dangle so often from my mouth unsupported. This makes me sad. I heard that I can get it replaced for free though which makes me happy. 

This is a post all about my water bottle. I love it. I am not ashamed of it. I drink tons more water than I used to. Thank you Camelbak for keeping me hydrated. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

some thoughts

There has been a few things passing though the space between my ears quiet frequently as of late: school stresses, summer plans, boys, Harry Potter, how I can manage my unseemingly unmanageable hair. Usually these thoughts pass through as I am trying to get to sleep at night all the whilst freaking out about how I have to get up at 3:30 in the morning and if my brain does not turn off then I will be even more miserable tomorrow. Sometimes they pass through when the sun is out too. One that has been more frequent is my summer plans. You are probably thinking that I am thinking about all the cool/fun things I want to do this summer. You would be correct in that assumption, but you would be missing something very important, something that is actually stressing me out. My summer reading list. There are so many books I want to read! I consider myself lucky if I can squeeze in one fun book in a semester. Thus, my summer list is becoming ever longer. I wonder if I will be able to read even half the books that I want to. I am going to have to start prioritizing them. There are so many. Dang you Goodreads and your recommendations.