Friday, December 30, 2011

occupy(ing) my thoughts

marriage has been on my brain as of late.
i really want to be married, but only after i...
live in italy for a year (or more) nannying/teaching english
serve a mission:) --that one is quickly approaching--
join the peace core
be taught a bollywood dance by a beautiful indian man in india

on: playing football with small children

1. they will ask for re-dos, do-overs, and rewinds when something happens that they don't like
2. all will demand that you throw the ball to them
3. pushing, shoving, and crying will occur
4. they will tell you that you suck, even though you can actually catch and throw the ball
5. you will have fun more fun than you had in a while

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


second guessing my major.

i just dont know what to do with myself!
(name that movie)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Little Drummer Boy

I am slightly obsessed with this song by josh groban. i looove it which is a bit funny because when I was younger I used to think it was very annoying. One day while I was listening the lyrics really stood out to me and I was just over come with emotion. I found the lyrics to be very sweet and touching. Here is this poor little boy that has nothing he can give to baby Jesus. So he plays his drums, the only thing that he could do for the Savior of the world. He shared his talent with the new baby.
Listen to it.
Absorb it.
and Think about what you would give to Jesus.